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Measures to Reduce the Immigration Flow to the U.S.

Fighting immigration flows

Modern policy regarding illegal immigrants is conducted simultaneously in three directions: against unauthorized entry, staying in the country and employment. The main focus is on preventive and restrictive measures, which are considered more economical, effective and humane in comparison with the measures of immigrant’s delay and deportation that illegally penetrated.

The U.S. actively conducts the information campaigns, as for preventive purposes for the countries of illegal immigrant’s leakage and transit, which explain the conditions for legal entry into its territory.

Toughening requirements for visas as a widespread practice here.

The U.S. government strengthens border control of documents and establishes computerized identity verification systems, since theBorder Sign production and delivery of false passports, visas, identity cards and other documents have become a whole underground industry.

The fight against illegal immigration also includes a system of measures against illegals who are already in the country, violating the established rules of the foreigners residence and employment.

The barrier to illegal employment is the work permits system, according it the foreign worker and his employer must have the necessary permits: the employee must have work permit, and the employer must have permission to hire the foreign worker.

Detention and deportation are applied as extreme measures against illegal immigrants.

Especially severe sanctions are provided against foreign criminals. If illegal immigrant repeated unlawful reentry into the U.S., after deportation, they can be sentenced for 15-20 years only for the fact of being on American territory. After serving their term, they must be deported immediately. But the deportation procedure, has been criticized as inhuman treatment, and marked by high cost, it’s thousands of dollars. Therefore, Americans are interested in ensuring that the countries through whose territory illegal immigrants get to them take responsibility for their return.

The periodic amnesties in the country are the direct opposite of the measures above, there are aimed at foreigners legalizing which have been illegally residing in the country for quite some time and which are able to provide for themselves financially.