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Getting a Job in the U.S. as a Foreign Worker

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women-searching-jobEvery day thousands of people decide to find a job abroad, and if you are one of them, knowing more details about visa types and application process will increase your chances and will make your search easier.

Though this is a challenging process, there are ways to organize research process to achieve success.

First, it is important to create your CV and decide, what period of time you can spend abroad, as various employers suggest contracts valid from 6 months to 2 years and more. There are plenty of sites and organization, who can help in finding a proper position, as well as guide you in application process.

Then, one should learn properly about visa types, to understand which one is the most suitable, taking into consideration your skills, experience and goals.

It may be:

So, as a foreign worker, you need a visa to be employed in the U.S. Different visa types have unique requirements, conditions, and expiration date.
Please note, if you violate the terms of your work visa, it could be revoked and you could be deported from the U.S. In some cases, one can be even arrested, or denied reentry into the U.S.
If you work in the United States as a temporary foreign worker, you will not be denied a visa or be punished by the U.S. government because you have exercised your rights under U.S. laws.
Still, it is very important to learn your rights and protections carefully, even before taking your visa interview at the U.S. Embassy.